DRTC Cores

Genetic & Genomics Core

Directed by Graeme Bell and co-directed by Hae Kyung Im, the Genetics and Genomics Core is based at the University of Chicago and provides state-of-the-art technology and insight to understanding the genetics of diabetes, its complications, and related metabolic disorders. This Core provides research tools and expertise to enable investigators to discover how genetic variation in diabetes genes leads to hyperglycemia as well as study the effect of diabetes genes and variants on physiology and pathophysiology.  In addition to its longstanding services that include access to cloud-based analytic tools, gene mutation screening, maintenance of the Monogenic Diabetes Registry, and provision and training in the use of induced pluoripotent stem cells (iPSCs), the core also features new bioinformatics services and state-of-the-art sequencing modalities to interrogate RNA modifications.

To initiate a request for service, please reach out to our Core Director, Dr. Bell for more information.

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